Make money online easily with no initial cost or risk. If you want to share some files, you can also make money from doing it:
It's free to sign up, then you can just upload your files there and if people download or buy premium subscription on that site you get paid up to 70% of the money they earn from it. Upload more files means more chance people are downloading and paying. You can post the files here and on other forums or websites (posting on multiple different sites gets more views, more purchases, etc).
You can post or send a message if you want any questions!
It's free to sign up, then you can just upload your files there and if people download or buy premium subscription on that site you get paid up to 70% of the money they earn from it. Upload more files means more chance people are downloading and paying. You can post the files here and on other forums or websites (posting on multiple different sites gets more views, more purchases, etc).
You can post or send a message if you want any questions!